About Us

YOUIL Enterprise began its journey in 1993 as a professional development and manufacturing company for roof rack systems in South Korea. Over the years, we have consistently added customer value by providing safe products based on constantly developing new products and upgrades in one field.

YOUIL is partnered with over 170 professional installation dealers in South Korea in addition to its factory and headquarters. Starting in 2023, Canadian customers will have direct access to our products via our Canada-based partner, NORTHGEAR.

Based on years of technical expertise and experience, we promise to provide world-class quality and reasonable prices across Canada and will do our best to cooperate with our customers.


NORTHGEAR Canada Commerce Inc.

107-219 Mackay Road,
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3N6

Tel 672 999 0932

Email youil.rack@gmail.com

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 9:00am - 6pm